I have been setting trot lines and limb lines on the Cottonwood River with my dad my entire life. This is an art form unknown to many where you use a heavy gage line, huge hook and live bait (usually perch) to catch channel and flat head catfish. I probably shouldn't disclose any more information about our specific line setting technique otherwise my dad would be royally angry. He's very secretive when it comes to fishing and hunting locations and techniques.
My husband and I decided to take his row boat to the river near our house and try setting lines for the first time without the supervision and guidance of my father. We set one trot line across the river with about 6-8 hooks. (Don't worry, with live bait, the line stays very close to the bottom of the river, where the big ones are.) We hadn't had any luck catching bait fish the day before, so we bought a dozen live goldfish from the bait shop (otherwise known as cheating). The river was fairly shallow with a rock bottom and the current was pretty extreme. We had to tie on the line on the far side of the bank and hold on to it to keep the boat from drifting downstream in the current. Gus (the husband) had to row because the current would have overpowered me. In turn, I was the bait girl, hooking goldfish just under the spine as not to sever it so they still swim. We set the line in the evening just before dark and returned the next morning.
We put the boat in the river, put ourselves in the boat, and tugged on the line to see how much resistance there was. It seemed like the line had to be snagged on a log because we could barely move it. We pulled in a couple small channel catfish from the first couple hooks, had a few hooks still baited, and then... where we thought the line had snagged, we realized it was moving. I think we both probably peed our pants a little at this point wondering what we had caught. Occasionally a large snapping turtle or a gar (nasty fish) will get stuck on a line and create an unfortunate situation. This time however, the river gods smiled on us. It took all of our combined strength to wrangle this 49 lb flat head into the boat, and then into the back of the truck. Each of us had one gloved hand in the giants mouth as we carried it up the bank.
We were so proud of ourselves. We called my parents to tell them the news and were so excited that they thought we were having a baby.
We decided to leave the line set and leave the boat on the bank so we could check the line again the next morning. I asked Gus if we should tie up the boat, but he said it would be fine just sitting on the bank for one night.
That night, after taking pictures, calling all our friends, cleaning the fish, and going out to dinner to celebrate, it began to rain. I asked Gus if we should get the boat and reminded him that even a couple inches of rain can raise the river by a few feet. He said it would be fine.
We drove down to the river the next morning and where we had jumped down a 6 ft embankment to the edge of the water the night before now was all river. The Cottonwood had come up enough overnight (from just a couple inches of rain) to send our boat down river.
We haven't set lines again since then. We don't have a boat.
Moral #1. Listen to your wife. She is smart sometimes.
Moral #2. Sometimes the reward comes before the consequence.